How well do you know Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy

When the war has lasted twenty years, the dragonets will come. When the land is soaked in blood and tears, the dragonets will come. Find the SeaWing egg of deepest blue. Wings of night shall come to you. The largest egg in the mountain high will give to you the wings of the sky. For wings of Earth, search through the mud for an egg the color of Dragons blood. And hidden from the rival queens the SandWing egg awaits unseen. Of three queens who blister and blaze and burn, two shall die and one shall learn. If she bows to a date that is stronger and higher, she will have the power of wings of fire. Five eggs will hatch on the brightest night, five dragonets born to end the fight. Darkness will rise to bring the light. THE DRAGONETS ARE COMING.

That is the Dragonet Prophecy from Wings of Fire book one The Dragonet Prophecy written by Tui T. Sutherland. You can test your knowledge on it by taking this quiz.

Created by: J.J
  1. Who is the MudWing dragonet of destiny?
  2. How many dragonets of destiny are there?
  3. Which of the dragonets is the "main character" of the first book?
  4. How do the five dragonets get trapped in the Sky Kingdom?
  5. Who does Tsunami battle in the Sky Kingdom?
  6. What does Queen Scarlet want to do to Sunny?
  7. Does Clay have siblings?
  8. Is Kestrel Peril's mother?
  9. What power does Glory have?
  10. What power does Clay have?
  11. Which guardian dies after getting attacked by Queen Scarlet?
  12. Is there a RainWing dragonet of destiny?
  13. What dragon tribe is Sunny?
  14. What would happen if Peril didn't eat the black rocks?
  15. Who was Gill?
  16. Who are the three SandWing sisters?
  17. In chapter 8, how did Tsunami get freed from her chains?
  18. How many dragon tribes are there? ( Pyrrhia )
  19. What dragon tribe is Tsunami?
  20. And finally, which of the dragon tribes is not the tribe of a dragonet of destiny?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy
