Wings of Fire Trivia Quiz

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A short, 10-question Wings of Fire trivia quiz! None of the questions should be TOO difficult, but there may be a couple that really make you think back to the books!

None of the questions will be about fan-made content, or the life and thoughts of Tui, or any ships. Just some stuff from arc 1, 2, 3, and Legends: Darkstalker.

Created by: AlligatorMudWing
  1. Which of the following dragons is NOT a Dragonet of Destiny?
  2. What tribe is Darkstalker from?
  3. What is the name of the first RainWing that Glory encountered?
  4. What is Kinkajou's favorite color?
  5. True or false: lightning was the direct cause of Quickstrike's death.
  6. True or false: Cerulean is the name of one of Tsunami's brothers.
  7. What was the name of the Pyrrhian dragon instrumental in creating the HiveWing and SilkWing tribes?
  8. Blue joked to Luna that a certain HiveWing might be interested in her. What was their name?
  9. What did Thorn call Stonemover when she found out he'd only sent her one letter?
  10. What is written on the sign inside Tsunami's classroom at Jade Mountain Academy?

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