How Well Do You Know Wings Of Fire?

You call yourself a Wings of Fire fan? Can you really prove it? Take this quiz to find out! There are ten questions, can you answer them all right? Let’s see!

Rules are simple. Answer the questions with what you believe is right! Some are events in the books story, others cool trivia! Have you got what it takes?

Created by: Berry
  1. Starting off easy. Which dragonet of destiny was not intended for the prophecy?
  2. Why did Queen Corals female dragonets die?
  3. What did the nightwings do to the rainwings?
  4. Too easy? Let’s go harder. What did skywings do to abnormal dragons? (except peril)
  5. What are all dragonets in the jade winglet?
  6. What is special about the appearance Pyrria and Pantala?
  7. What was the event in which dragons became the dominant species?
  8. What LeafWing tribe is Sundew apart of?
  9. Why does Queen Wasp mind control the HiveWings?
  10. Finally, what is the item Darkstalker made to hold his animus power?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Wings Of Fire?
