Wings of fire: seawing or skywing.

Hi please take time to enjoy this quiz. If you have read wings of fire this will all make sense. If not seawins live in water and skywings live in the moutens. Goggle some pictures of them.

Hope you like this quiz it is only seawings or skywings not more but I still hope you like it! I will make more qwizes in the future see you next time!

Created by: Webs
  1. Fire or water?
  2. Flying or swimming
  3. Name for this dragon?
  4. How would your friends describe you
  5. Funny or serious?
  6. Cute or brave
  7. Fish, meat or something else
  8. Who should be the sandwing Queen
  9. Should jade mountain be open
  10. Did you like this

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