wings of fire random character genarater

ok so I did this outta pure bordom I'm sorry if its bad I did my best! anyway most of the dragons in this quiz are hybrids so sorry if you thought it would have completely normal tribes and some are weird but if you hate you can leave

this is just for fill in so insert random song nope no song I might just talk so basicly I left out a little info on some dragons so sorry but you can always fill in blanks with your own ideas and done move on to the quiz

Created by: silver-oak wof fan
  1. whats your gender? (in sorry all the dragons are male or female tho I support you if your not a male or female)
  2. which color patterns you like more?
  3. whats your fav tribe outta these
  4. ive ran outta qustions so how much you like wings of fire?
  5. okay aperntly I need 10 qustions so: if you where to pick a power from these choices what would it be
  6. half way done now rando qestionwhats your personality
  7. memes time do you like memes?
  8. ok whats your fav song animation (if your fav isn't on here or you dond know what that is pick the bottom one
  9. whats your fav thing to draw
  10. last question hmm welp fav drawing tool?

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