Wings of fire love story (For Males)

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Hi! this is my second Quiz! if you dont know my quiz, its called *Wings of fire love story (FOR FEMALES)* In this quiz you are a male mudwing named Copper, he was born for a blood red egg and is the bigwings of his sibs.

Copper's sibs are (sisters) Midslide, Karka, and Grove, his brothers are Rockslide and Stick. Mudslide is a female and is the second oldest. Karka is the youngest and kind. Rockslide is the third oldest and died in the war, sadly. Grove is the second youngest. Stick is a female and kind.

Created by: pastel
  1. Its your first day at JMA! Jade Mountain Academy. You walk in and your wondering who your clawmates are. You dont know where your cave is. You..
  2. (If your choose to scream for help) Fatespeaker the nightwing, comes running tworded you, asking "What's your name?" You say its Copper, and that your looking for your cave, she says "Copper...Copper....AHA! Copper your are in out newst winglet, the amathisist winglet, go to the left, then left again, then to your right, your cave will be the one the right." you respond
  3. (if you asked the nightwing) "Hi! the kind nightwing says. "I'm Starseeker! who are you?" "I'm Copper, what winglet are you in" you ask, "i'm in the gold winglet. you?" "Amythist" "Oh" you think...
  4. (If you choose to ask the cowering seawing) te seawing doesn't see you at first, she spots you a few seconds later, "hi," she says "hi, what winglet are you in?" "Amythist" she reasponds "your in my winglet!" her name is Tidal
  5. if you choose to wonder ) You look into a cave, with a SkyWing sitting on there bed. "Is this the Amethyst winglet?" you asked "Yep! are you Copper?" you say
  6. (what ever you choose you fnd your cave) "HELLO!!" you shout "SHUT IT!" "
  7. I ran out of questions, so imma annoy you!
  8. huhuhasiufberiubverhbcwherbewuyrfyrutg vrytwirywe
  9. g3eucysveowiujrbgwfcherjtbgvhiujbgchyeurbeuvw34he5r3y785yu4r7feiyjrfyc48jyrgtfocwriuyugfyw3iurjgcyuw4 tyfjwcubyrfybuvrej9 bygu4j8vyu4c8j94yut5uy9rcvuy cuu4j9ug ewy4iug ty3j48cyuw34j892cg tyw3j4t ey34vjgte5y egyjv9tu bny v
  10. help me mother

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