*wings of fire love story (FOR FEMALES)*

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welcome to my fist quiuz, this is for females only, your of JMA (jade mountain academy) This is my first quiz, it took an hour to make! Please anjoy this quiz . it was so fun to make

ENJOY!! In this quiz your are a female silkwing, whose wingless, named Pastel, she's a flamesilk. She was origanlly for Pantala, AKA, the lost continet.

Created by: Raegann
  1. (you are a female silkwing named Petal) It's your first day at JMA (Jade Mountain Academy) You walk in and you are wonder who your clawmates are. how run into a small nightwig named "Moonseer" yiu say "
  2. You walk to your cave, you see a small nightwing, sitting on one of the beds, reading. "H..hello." says the small nightwing. what do you respond "Hi! whats your name?" exitedly! he gets scared and walks off, a few minutes later he comes back, blushing. You are...
  3. ) The nightwing said "I'm Mightyclaws." you say "ou must be one of my clawmates! I'm so exited to meet you, Mightyclaws" someone walks in its a seawing you resond...
  4. She said, "What's you name, I'm Catfish" You say "Hi, I'm Petal," JUST as a very hot sandwing walks in. What do you do?
  5. he walks away for you, you sit down on the silk bed they made you. That night you think of...
  6. if you choose an answer to 5, you want to be single
  7. You rush to the history room! You see Webs, he yells at you say "YOUR LATE!!" repeatedly.
  8. the sandwing's name was Oynx, like the eye of oynx. your confused, their was a sandwing named Oynx. are you
  9. how was the qiuz??
  10. UGH GL!CH
  11. help me

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