wings of fire character quiz!!

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Hello everyone! this is my first ever quiz. This is just a quick intro on who I am. So.... I'm like, OBSESSED with wings of fire so I made a personality quiz feat. Turtle, Qibli, Winter and Moon.

I also want to thank my brother, my former classmate, and my friends for getting me into wings of fire!!! I am also thanking Tui T. Sutherland for writing the series! I wish you all the power of Wings Of Fire! ENJOY

Created by: moonbli-life
  1. Who would you want to date?
  2. where would you live?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. What's your favorite song?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. What do you like to eat?
  7. Do you like heat?
  8. Do you like snow?
  9. What's your favorite season?
  10. Finally, what's your favorite color?

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