Will you survive the zombie apocolypse?

When zombies take over the earth how will you fare? This quiz will show how likely you are to survive the zombie apocalypse. If you pass you could survive; if you don't, you won't (unless you get lucky).

Do you have the brainpower to survive or will your brain become taco filling for zombies? Can you make the right choices, or will you die a miserable death from zombies (or poor planning)?

Created by: John
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are looking through channels on your tv and the news channel catches your eye. The reporter says that there are violent riots in some of the major cities and people are brutally murdering and eating each other. What do you do?
  2. You find out the mobs are zombie hordes. What do you think.
  3. You hear loud noises outside. You look out the window and you see smoke and people running around outside. What do you do?
  4. You are forced to leave town (if you haven't already). You take all the supplies you can with you, but you only have enough room for one melee weapon and one firearm. What melee weapon do you take?
  5. What gun do you take (you have all of these somehow)?
  6. You are traveling to your cousin's house out in the country in your sedan. You see several vehicles on the side of the road which do you take?
  7. You arrive at your cousin's farm. There are a few other people there trying to decide what to do now. What's your input?
  8. What job would you have in a survivor group?
  9. An biker gang attacks you/your group. What do you do?
  10. Who would be your constant companion(s)?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the zombie apocolypse?