Will You Survive the Apocalyspe

this is something that tells you how you would do in the zombie apocalypse, will you survive or will you die, find out here. how can you trust it. cant but never hurts to try.

you think you can survive, find out here right now for free, its simple, just click start the quiz and after twelve easy questions you will know if you could survive.

Created by: zombiesvsmummies

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. suppose you are in your everyday routine when the zombie apocalypse starts, where do u go
  2. you are walking down the street one night when approached by two limping shadows, do you..
  3. where is your house
  4. you walk into a shed and there is four weapons which one are you going to take
  5. you are about to go into a prison when you see a whole in the back wall
  6. you hear zombies outside on your land not sure how many but its a lot
  7. omg a zombie
  8. a group of survivors is asking for help
  9. your car breaks down
  10. you hear of a survivor camp

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive the Apocalyspe