will you survive the zombie apocalypse

There is going to be a time where a zombie apocalypse breaks out and everyone is going to have to face it some will die and others will live so the point of this is because its going to happen.

will you survive and if so how long. after you take this quiz you will find out if you are ready for the apocalypse. once you enter i can not tell you the future but the quiz can.

Created by: justin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a zombie apocalypse breaks put what do you...
  2. you see someone be attack by zombies you...
  3. you see a group of survivors you...
  4. your friend has been shot you decide to...
  5. one of family members has been bite in a limb by a zombie do you
  6. you decide to build a shelter somewhere you pick...
  7. a group of survivors point guns at you and tell you to give them your supplies you...
  8. you are surrounded by zombies and have one bullet but you see a building with a ladder to the roof, a house, a gas tank, and a car you...
  9. you see four weapons/tools you pick
  10. your in a group with friends one says lets go to the gas station the other says lets go to the gun store another says go to the marina and the last one says go to the super market you pick

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the zombie apocalypse