Will you survive a zombie invasion?

So, you heard that the hoard is coming? You think that your freind is one of them? You want to see if you can beat your freinds? Take this quiz to deside if you die or live!

This quiz is the only true way of knowing your chance of survival! The hoard can do it! Can you? Test yourself, freinds, parents, or mabie that bully? The choice is yours!

Created by: Beast guy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You here about a zombie outbreak in a Bordering country. What do you do?
  2. You here the infection has arrived into your country. You think about possible base locations. Which one is your choice?
  3. You set up your base and you have a few Days worth of supplys. What do you do now?
  4. You find a stash of weapons and ammo. What do you do with them?
  5. The zombie hoard has arrived! You here the scream of unprepared people as they get eaten alive. What do you do?
  6. The zombies break through your barricades! Everyone is panicking! What do you do!
  7. Your attempts to save the base have failed! The zombies are pouring in, your team mates are dropping like flies! How do you react!
  8. You some how managed to escape with a couple freinds and your girl. You need to flee but if you run you know you won't get far! How do you travel?
  9. You get to a military base! What should you do?
  10. You here that there is a cure to the infection in the far side of the country! Should you...
  11. You get a car and start heading to the cure after many failed plans. There is a hoard in front of you. What do you do?
  12. You are almost there! Your car breaks down. You have to go on foot. You don't have enough arms to take all your guns. What do you take?
  13. You can see the base that has the cure! You run and run... You trip up! A zombie jumps on you! How do you survive?
  14. He bites your leg! You know you could make it to the base but the zombie is still on your leg! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie invasion?