Will you go to hell (this makes sense now)


vgxswvgwvfxtcgewc3gtr34gdr34wt8 3rftcfr3vc3brxfyb3c3hcfbft8cbtxf3cybfrychy2frchyw3fv2r4cfty23g4hrtfcg24rfcd2g4rgc68;w74grydc2r4g8;gdx2re4gcreg;f8dtxg2r8rf3ryet

Created by: yuujnu
  1. If you saw a kid about to get hit by a car what will you do?
  2. Are you scared of death?
  3. Do you play online games, computer games?
  4. If your parents told you to stay in the basement while they are gone for 1 hour what will you do?
  5. Do you believe in God?
  6. Do you lie
  7. Do you lust
  8. Do you hate people?
  9. Do you like having sex?
  10. Do you think you are evil?
  11. Do you hurt people?
  12. Do you pray every day?

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Quiz topic: Will I go to hell (this makes sense now)

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