Will you get to Heaven?

Many people wonder whether they will be good enough to make into heaven when they die. They wonder 'Have I done enough?' 'Will me good outweigh my bad?' How can I be sure if God will accept me?

This quiz will help you work out whether you can be sure of what will happen to you when you die. Don't put it off, do the quiz now, before it's too late!

Created by: James
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  2. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  3. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  4. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  5. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  6. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  7. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  8. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  9. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  10. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?
  11. Do you trust in Christ alone to save you from your sin?

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Quiz topic: Will I get to Heaven?