How can I go to Heaven?

It's good to know the Way to Heaven.... Although the results of this TEST could initially provide some indication whether you'll possibly go to heaven or maybe not; ( It's important to remember that God is always the One who makes that final decision for everyone) Heaven is a place of eternal Joy,Peace with God in His Love. There will be no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more separation, because death will be conquered (Revelation 20:6). The best thing about heaven is the presence of our Lord and Savior (1 John 3:2). We will be face to face with the Lamb of God who loved us and sacrificed Himself so that we can enjoy His presence in heaven for eternity.
We should all want and purpose to go to Heaven instead of going to Hell. Hell is an already existing place of eternal, unquenchable fire, the place of future punishment for the wicked who choose not to repent and who choose to reject the Love and free gift of salvation of Jesus Christ. It is further describe in the Bible as the Lake of Fire, a place of torment and of outer darkness. Hell is the final destiny of Satan, all demonic spirits, and all unbelievers, and hypocrites, who have heard the gospel and rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, because they loved their sinful ways more. Hell will be a place of misery, pain, frustration, and anger; Whoever chooses to go to hell will be eternally separated from God and not obtain any of His Blessings.