Will You Get Away With Murder?

There are some people in the world who have got away with murder and there are some that haven't. Some are never caught and some are. But the will you be?

Will you get away with murder? Well, you're about to find out by taking this nice wonderful quiz to see if you will or not. I hope you have fun. Enjoy!

Created by: ThePerfectOne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you watch crime shows?
  2. What will be your weapon if you were to murder someone?
  3. Why would you want to kill the victim?
  4. How would you kill your victim?
  5. Are you fast?
  6. Are You strong?
  7. What will you do after you have killed someone?
  8. What will you do with the dead body?
  9. What would you do with all the blood?
  10. When would you murder the victim and commit the crime?
  11. How would you get away with it?

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Quiz topic: Will I Get Away With Murder?