Will you be awarded a scholarship? (in Australia)

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In Australia, scholarships are given to entering high-school students for exceptional performance as taken by a test and interview (conducted by the Principal). This only applies for private schools.

There are multiple scholarship types you can receive (academic, general excellence, music, sport) however we're only talking about the general scholarships. All scholarship recipients will have similar qualities.

Created by: Rachel Kim
  1. For school exams/tests, what is the general range of your scores?
  2. Do you care about the exam results that you obtain?
  3. Do you enjoy going to school?
  4. How hard is learning new concepts for you?
  5. If you don't understand something, will you ask your friends/teachers/parents for help?
  6. How many instruments, if any, do you play?
  7. What level are you at with your instrument? (if you play multiple, just pick your main instrument)
  8. Do you play any sports?
  9. Do you have any leadership roles at your school?
  10. Do you enjoy public speaking?
  11. How hard do you find talking to a person in authority (eg. Principal or head teacher)?

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Quiz topic: Will I be awarded a scholarship? (in Australia)
