will you be a victom of predator

almost everyone knows about predators they think hunting man is a game they are fierce evil and creepy with out the mask creatur dudes tha have cloaks and cool weopons

now it is your turn and see if you can survive a predator

Created by: zachary

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you see three red dots on your arm.what do you do?
  2. you see the predator.what do you do?
  3. do you like predator the movie
  4. you see a blade just floating in air coming toward you.you...
  5. do you like me?
  6. you think you see somthing in the water you see ripples to but theres nothing.you...
  7. you find a dead predator and now a live one is coming.you...
  8. which can kill predator best...
  9. best melee is...
  10. hi (NO EFFECT)

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Quiz topic: Will I be a victom of predator