Will You Be A Teen Mum?

Have you ever wondered how old your going to be when you have your first or only child??? I know I have! This quiz will answer all the things your curious about! Your welcome. :)

Now sorry for wasting your time. You can actually do this quiz now. Have fun!!! Oh and by the way am I the only one that stuffed tissues up my barbies shirt to make her look pregnant? Cause if you have done anything like that then.....You most likley ill get a certain answer in this quiz....bye now and enjoy urself!!!

Created by: Chloe
  1. Do you or did you ever enjoy playing with dolls?
  2. Have you ever written a list of what you want to call your future kids?
  3. Do you plan to have kids in your life?
  4. Which gender would you prefer your first child to be?
  5. How old are you currently?
  6. What's your dream house?
  7. How Many kids would you like when your older?
  8. What type of car
  9. Do you like the idea of sex?
  10. Do you currently have a partner?

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Quiz topic: Will I Be A Teen Mum?
