will you be a star

there are alot of people who want to have the good life but there are only limited spaces some talents are still left to be found use this quiz to find out and maybe u could make it xx!

Are you the next star can u be top of the charts do u have the talent and stamener to reach the high standerds awnser each question honestly and find out if u have a place in the limelight xx!

Created by: ellie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. can u sing in ur opinion
  2. are u good looking in ur opinion
  3. do u play an instrument
  4. can u write songs
  5. have u got a good personality
  6. do u have your own style
  7. r u popular
  8. r u confident
  9. can u c urself as a star
  10. last of all how many times have u performend in public

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Quiz topic: Will I be a star