Will we be nice freinds?

I am really not that social, but i suppose it's nice knowing each other (and being friends) this is my second quiz, so anyways....let's do this! huh? oh well

if you are interested in in knowing more about me (and yourself) take a look at my quiz and know if you would be my friends.... what more can i say.... well let's go!

Created by: Sidra khan
  1. Do you like nature?
  2. do you like to read?
  3. Are you an animal lover?
  4. do you have pets?
  5. what's your favourite animal?
  6. what's your favourite season?
  7. what's your gender
  8. what do you want to be when you grow up/ what job you do
  9. do you do birdwatching?
  10. do you want to be my friend?

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