What DnD Druid circle do you belong to?

Druids in DnD have a choice of which circle to choose at 2nd level. The results of this quiz are only the ones present in the PHB and XGE, so no UA or any realm-specific circles. Savvy?

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Created by: BrothMaster69
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. Do you like trying new things?
  3. What do you see beasts as?
  4. What do you look for in shops?
  5. Which ability score do you value least?
  6. Which of these would you be most likely to multiclass as (as a druid)?
  7. Which do you dislike more: Your opposite legal alignment (Lawful, Chaotic) or your moral alignment (Good, Evil)? If you are True Neutral, please answer Neutral.
  8. Which of these foods is your favorite?
  9. How do you imagine yourself dying?
  10. Which of these is the cutest?
  11. Have you ever been a DM before?

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Quiz topic: What DnD Druid circle do I belong to?
