will u be my friend (PLEASE BE MY FRIEND?)

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picture is my cat Punkin anyways take this quiz pls i have 1 friend + i’m in fremch rn (A- mua hahahaaa) (words and friends and help for me to come o)

yea if u take this quiz ur 2 kool 4 skool!!!!!!! (words i don’t forget to tell me that you have to be friends in a while back and get the same humor)

Created by: ballooncat44
  1. are u willing u be my friend :’)
  2. do u watch anime
  3. do u like horror movies?
  4. do u like umbrella academy
  5. do u like cats or dogs more..
  6. do u like rock, metal. alt rock?
  7. what’s your age
  8. do u like ImDontai, Speed, Oompaville, or anyone like that?
  9. do u make fun of people
  10. are u lgbtq+
  11. what’s ur humor
  12. do u like c c c c c country….
  13. what’s better
  14. will u sit by me @ lunch
  15. will u not argue w me
  16. that’s it but here’s 2 more questions for funwhat’s ur fave color?
  17. what’s ur style

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