Will The World Be Yours?

Many people want to take the world as theirs. We have the perfect test to show if you have that potential to take the world as yours. Many are unworthy, but are you?

Are YOU going to take the world? Are YOU going to be the one to overthrow all the unworthy leaders of this world? By taking this extremely accurate analysis, you can find out!

Created by: The Overlord
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Want To Take Over The World?
  2. Which Country Listed Below Would You Rather Be In Charge Of?
  3. How Would You Rule?
  4. There Is An Uprising And They Are Blackmailing You, What Do You Do?
  5. A Nuke Is Incoming, WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!
  6. You Started World War 3, Who Do You Join?
  7. You Can Only Produce One Thing, What Is It?
  8. What Would You Do To Get Your Way?
  9. How Often Do You Go Nuts?
  10. Final Question, What Kind Of Environment Would You Like Better?

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Quiz topic: Will The World Be mys?