Will I give you permission to pee?

This challenge is what it says on the tin. You do some challenges, I decide if you can pee or not. You good with that? You clicked on this quiz, so you probably are.

There are 15 questions/challenges. After each one, you will be asked how you’re doing. Whichever option you select will determine whether or not you may pee.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. To start, how desperate are you?
  2. Drink a cup of water. How do you feel now?
  3. Play some water pouring noises for a minute. How you doing?
  4. What movements are you doing?
  5. Don’t hold yourself for a minute. What happened?
  6. Drink a cup of water and relax. Imagine how good it would feel to pee…
  7. Ok, how are you now? Scale of 1-10
  8. Based on your answer, drink some water
  9. Do some star jumps
  10. Stand straight. Like this:
  11. Ok, nearly at the end. How are you NOW? Scale of 1-10
  12. 3 more challenges. First, drink a cup of water.
  13. Walk into your room if you weren’t already and stand still
  14. Final challenge: put on water pouring noises again and walk slowly into the bathroom. Don’t run or hold yourself. Relax your bladder while walking
  15. One last check up. How you doing?

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