will he ask you to the school disco? GIRLS ONLY | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz will he ask you to the school disco? GIRLS ONLY.
a[no urls] it says he's scared I'd reject him... what a cutie. haha. do you actually say school disco? in the decade I'm from we call it a dance but I don't wanna live in the modern world so it's all good. :) heehee. well there is this guy that's really shy and I see him pass me in the hall all the time and I always catch him looking at me (creepy haha) and he's really quite attractive and he seems really nice... anyone know a good thing to say to start a conversation with him? I've never even talked to him before I've just smiled at him. uhhmmm good quiz bye [c: !
coolme31 -
Your Result: yes 100%
oh girl he loves you! Why wouldn't he! He's not crazy he can tell that you'll say yes! So don't worry he's certen to. oh and sorry that I spelt certen worng!
haha it said no urls when I wrote aww
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