wierdest quiz ever

there are many geeks in the world but more stupid people. if u haven't seen stupidity just go to a high school then you will see...a geek..a geek!! a geek is someone who has goofy glasses and wheres a tucked in shirt..they are smart to.

just answer a couple wierd random questions to see if your a geek.. you'll see what i mean.see if your a geek or if your just stupid..right now young person..

Created by: geeky girl of are u a geek?
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a geek?
  2. whats your favorite sport?
  3. what are u?
  4. how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
  5. would u lie to your parents about this quiz?
  6. do u like watching a sport or doing a sport?
  7. im lieng r u?
  8. do u like gum?
  9. which r u good at?
  10. have u ever tooken this quiz?

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