wich miraculous character is most like you!

Enjoy my quiz. I hope you get who you want but if not never mind. thi quiz is for miraculous fans! whoever you get will not matter because it's just a quiz.

miraculous rules! enjoy the quiz and have fun! It took me 3 hours to make and it drove me crazy but i hope u enjoyed it and if u did then it was all werth it.

Created by: Panda
  1. do you like advetures?
  2. do you like romance?
  3. what type of films do you like?
  4. what type of food do you like?
  5. what hobbies do you do?
  6. sports!!!
  7. music?!!!!!!
  8. animals?!!!!!!
  9. do you like to game?!!
  10. which Miraculous would you want!

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