what miraculous ladybug character are you?

Solve these ten questions truthfully to determine which miraculous ladybug characters personalty are you most like i hope you have fun solving the quiz.

If you enjoyed the quiz please do not hesitate to give the quiz a good rating and share it with all your friends but anyways most important hope you have a good time.

Created by: Maya
  1. how would your friends describe you?
  2. how responsible are you out of 10?
  3. if you saw someone who needs help would you help them?
  4. Its a saturday night and your bored what do you do?
  5. what do you like about school?
  6. what is the MOST important trait to you in your friends?
  7. what is the LEAST important trait to you in your friends?
  8. if you had to pick one of these life motto's which one would it be?
  9. if you had the chance to change one thing about your self what would it be?
  10. what is your style?

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Quiz topic: What miraculous ladybug character am I?
