Wich gravity falls carecter are you 5667 5667

How do you know what carecter you are in gravity falls well this quiz will tell you you can be soos dipper wendy mabel yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay


Created by: Aimee
  1. Who do you think is cute
  2. What's your favorite color
  3. What do you think of grunklestan
  4. What is your favorite thing to do on Halloween and summerween
  5. What's the weirdest thing in gravity falls you've seen
  6. What wold you do at a party
  7. Who would you want to switch bodies with
  8. Do you like boy bands
  9. What's your favorite type of snack food
  10. Who do you hate

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Quiz topic: Wich gravity falls carecter am I 5667 5667