wich farytale qreature are you?

This quiz will tell you the fairytale creature you are... or that you would be if you lived in a fairytale land. Don't you wanna know?

Thanks for being interested in my quiz. There are six classic creatures you could possibly be. Which will you get?

Created by: 22sarrah22
  1. what are you feeling write now?
  2. whats your faverite thing to do?
  3. what do you do in your free time?
  4. if you were a friend of (untalking obgects)your a freand of ...
  5. if you were an animle you would be..
  6. if you were a plant what would you be?
  7. whats your favorite job?
  8. whats your favorite story?
  9. whats your favorite thing about the sky?
  10. when you look at the water what do you feel??

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Quiz topic: Wich farytale qreature am I?