Why me? (LOVE STORY) part 3

I hope you like this one like the others. Thanks. IF you want me to add some stuff I will. Just leave an helpful hint like the one where the wanted to know how the boys looked like.

Jake: Dark brown eyes, short lite brown hair, strong, about 6 feet tall, very fast so strong legs Nick: Beautiful green eyes, Super strong, Black skater style hair around 6 foot 3 Andrew: sea blue eyes that you can get lost in, blonde hair a little over the eyes lenght, super smart, around 6 feet tall Zach:super shy, silver eyes, died purple hair skater style but different from Jake's, the smallest of them all at about 5 foot 7, I hope you like what i think they should look like but have imagination think how they should be in your own mind!

Created by: babybella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay last time we meet you were in Mike's arms screaming but before we got to that we are going to the boys.
  2. *You are Jake* Crash bang!! You grab Ryanns hand and drag her away. "Gotta run gotta have her safe!" you think. as you turn the corner Ryanns hand is tugged away violently. "Ryann!!!" you scream. You hear her screaming. And then nothing. You run through the hole and see her being flown away. "Ryann!" you yell. You turn to Zach. He sees you staring and takes off toward her. "Zach, watch out! The lasers...." Andrew yells but its too late. Zach gets shot down.
  3. *Jake* You start to run after her but they disappear. "No!" You scream and pound you hands against a tree. "Jake," Nick says. "Why didn't you do something? Like i don't know try to take over the robot?" you scream at Andrew. "I tried it had an force field." Andrew says calmly looking over Zach. You cool down and head over to Zack. Andrew stands up and screams. The cars fly up and fall down. "We lost! We lost Ryann and Zach!" he screams. "What do you mean lost Zach too?" you ask knowing the answer but still. "I mean he is dead! D E A D! DEAD!" he screams at you. "s---," Nick says.
  4. Okay thats enough of the boys back to you know.
  5. Okay if you dont remember you were you were last. You were screaming in Mikes arms.
  6. You start to scream. Mike covers your mouth with his hand. "Shhh. Quiet." He lets you go. "What do you want?" You ask hi standing up. "For you to be home with your family," he says. "This isnt home!" you scream at him. "Yes it is. Those boys want your power for themselves. They brain washed you to knowing them and everyone there. It was all fake everything. Even your "mom" who isnt even your mom. They killed her." he says. As soon as its over you get flashbacks of everything he just said. "O my god," you say sitting down. "Mike!" you say as you hug him really tightly. "Its okay. Your home now." he says rubbing your back. "I missed you," you tell him. "I know," he says. "I know."
  7. He leaves you alone to think over everything. You look at all of the pictures untill you see one that stands out but you dont know why. Its you and some other girl. Then a flashback happens. You are being held tightly. You see your mom in front of you on the ground looking at you with scared eyes and tears on her face. "Mom!" you say. They take out an gun and point it at your mom. "Ryann close your eyes" she says. You do as you were told to. You hear the gun shot. "MOM!" you scream as you open you eyes. You try to get away, but whoever is holding you is too strong. You see the guy in front of you head this way when an arrow gets shot through his heart. Behind him is the girl in the picture. "Let my sister go!" she screams at the guy holding you. He laughs. "Then what you kill me? I dont think so," he says as he picks you up and puts you in front of him. "Good luck!" She aims and shots. You close your eyes and the next thing you know is your on the ground. "What you didnt know was i can think of anything no matter how far away i can kill it," she says grabbing your hand. You hug her and say "They killed mom!" "I know i saw," she says holding you tightly.
  8. She lets go and drags you away. "We gotta get outta her," she says. You just follow when something shots her hand. She screams in pain. "Lilly!" you scream. You look around and see guys with guns. "Run! Ryann run!" Lilly screams. You start to turn around but dont. "Go! NOW!" Lilly screams at you. They take aim at her. "NO!" you scream. "If i go with you you cant hurt her or anyone else." "No!" Lilly says. They agree and grab you leaving everyone else alone. "NO! Ryann!" Lilly screams. "NO! You cant!" "I cant have you die as well," you tell her as they lead you away.
  9. The flashback is over. "Ryann? Is it really you?" you hear someone say. You turn around and there is Lilly. "Lilly!" you say going to give her a hug. "It is you," she says smiling hugging you back. *A few days later* An alarms goes off while you are eating. Mike and Lilly grab you. "They are here for you," Mike says. "I'm ready" you say. You grab a gun and follow them. When Jake sees you he yells "Ryann!" Then they see Mike and Lilly. "Let her go," Andrew screams. "Why would I let her go back to you. We are her family," Lilly says. "No youre not!" Jake screams. "Yes they are," you say. All 3 boys look at you surprised. "Ryann they are brain washing you," Nick says. "No. You did and will if I go with you," you say back."Ryann, they killed Zack," Andrew says. "Good. Now its your turn," you say as you take aim and...
  11. Make part 4?
  12. Who do you luv?

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