Why Do You Take These Quizzes?

Why do you take these quizzes? Do you not have anything better to do with your time? Are you just bored and have nothing else to do? Do you wonder how you found this website in the first place?

This quiz will try to find out why you come here. Maybe you don't know the answer yourself (I know I don't) and you want to see what this will say. Make sure to share it with your friends!

Created by: Classified
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What types of quizzes do you like best?
  3. Do you think this will be accurate?
  4. Choose the emoji that defines your mood:
  5. Choose an emoji that defines what you wish you are doing right now:
  6. How many siblings do you have?
  7. What's your fave food?
  8. Why did you choose this quiz?
  9. How old are you?
  10. What is your favorite animal (out of these)?

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Quiz topic: Why do I Take These Quizzes?
