Who would you support in the 1975 EEC Referendum?

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In 1975 the UK held its first referendum on membership of the EEC, the predecessor to the European Union. In this first referendum Britain overwhelmingly voted to stay in the communities, with the EEC supported by the mainstream of politics, with the radical fringes of both the left and right supporting an exit.

Where do you stand in the 1975 referendum? This quiz differentiates between six categories: the Eurosceptics (Socialist Left, Conservative Nationalists, and 'Out of Europe and In to the World') and Remainers (the Labour Leadership, the Passionate European, and the Liberal Party)

Created by: Daniel
  1. What do you think of British sovereignty?
  2. What impact has the EEC had on jobs and industry?
  3. What is your opinion on defence?
  4. The Distribution of Power
  5. How does our history relate to Europe?
  6. The Cost of Living
  7. The role of the Commonwealth
  8. Democracy
  9. The Renegotiation
  10. How would you have voted in the October 1974 General Election?

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