Who would you be in the Sister's Grimm series?

Who would you be in the Sister's Grimm series? There are only 3 options- (sorry background character-lovers). You might be Sabrina, Daphne, or Puck. :

Which of these characters will you be? Take this quiz to find out! Also, rate it with a green smiley face if you liked it! It took forever to make. :)

Created by: Sauron
  1. How would you react if you had to move to a weird town with a relative you don't even know??
  2. There's a giant jabberwocky outside terrorizing the town looking for you. What do you do?!
  3. You're newfound Granny just made your favorite breakfast, what is it?
  4. Which magical object would you pick?
  5. How would you defeat an enemy?
  6. What code name would you choose?
  7. What would you do if a gingerbread man insulted you?
  8. Whats something cool you'd want to be?
  9. You've just been transported to a magical book of all the fairytales. What is your first reaction?
  10. How do get around?
  11. Feelings on Elvis? Or animals in general?
  12. How would you defeat Mirror?

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