I seriously don't think anyone even reads these things, so I'll just talk to myself. Hi, Hi. That's a beautiful top you're wearing! Sure whatever. BOB

So do u like potatoes? Oh, yes I love them? I think kiwis are awesome. Huh, why? Duh, because they're the only fruits with hair! But why DO they have hair? Oooooh.

Created by: Zoefaustino
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do with your friends?
  2. Pick an object
  3. You're friend keeps on telling you what she does with her cousin, you
  4. Pick one
  5. You are
  6. Which of these activities would you take up?
  7. Which would you prefer to wear
  8. Gaah! I'm out of questions
  9. How was the quiz?
  10. POTATO
  11. Bye!

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