Who would win a battle?

Fictional characters are amazing, but what if you took all of the universes, and clashed their strongest fighters together? Do you know what'll happen?

You are on the way to becoming a battlemaster, one who takes every special ability and uses them all. But first you must learn each participating battlemaster and compare their abilities!

Created by: foofoo
  1. Batman vs. Iron man vs. Master chief vs. Sauron (no ring) Hint: Intelligence matters, because they want to select their first opponent
  2. General grievous vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles How many turtles would be left by the end of the battle?
  3. Deathstroke + Samus vs. Boba fett + Jango fett the fetts could coordinate better since they're the same person
  4. Luke Skywalker + Darth Vader vs. Harry Potter + Voldemort
  5. Mario + Sonic vs. Megaman + Pac man
  6. Green Arrow + Hawkeye vs. Cpt. America + Wonder Woman
  7. Deadpool vs. Spiderman
  8. Smaug + Fafnir vs. Lancelot + Dig dug
  9. Pikachu + Blue Eyes White Dragon + Naruto vs. Superman
  10. Green Arrow + Green Lantern vs. The Joker + Harley Quinn
  11. Frodo + Bilbo vs. Sam + Merry + Pippin
  12. Everybody vs. Everybody
  13. God + Satan vs. Every poytheistic god

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