Who will you Marry?

My result is Vert I LOVE HIM.Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!Hope you like!

Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls! Girls!

Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like someone who is royal?
  2. Do you like someone who loves to race?
  3. Do you like the joker or the techy?
  4. Do you like someone who weasles out of their duties?
  5. Do you like someone who gets on with boys and girls?
  6. Do you like someone with a butler?
  7. Don't kill me: What is your fave colour out of these
  8. Did you laugh at this joke:Why did the mushroom go MENTAL at the party.ANS:He was a FUNGUY
  9. Do you take not take resposibility lightly
  10. Which date is better?

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Quiz topic: Who will I Marry?