Who will you be in a zombie apocalypse

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We all have fantasies about a zombie apocalypse: people dying, buildings broken and infected roaming the streets. Sometimes we don't really take into account the mental damage a zombie apocalypse can really bring, so next time you say you want a zombie apocalypse to happen think about your family getting ripped limb from limb by infected.

This test will show you which personality you will be if a zombie apocalypse ever were to happen, remember answer with absolute honesty!

Created by: DrPandaFace

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your friend is on the floor and loosing blood from a chest wound...what do you do?
  2. What are your opinions on zombies?
  3. Weapon type of choice?
  4. You see a zombie in a clearing, what do you do?
  5. If the apocalypse just happened what would be your first priority?
  6. Who would you go with?
  7. How are you finding this quiz?
  8. Ok, your result...wait...what...s..e..n..d.........h.....e........l......p.......z..........o....m........b....i................
  9. Your result:
  10. Here you go!

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Quiz topic: Who will I be in a zombie apocalypse