who will be your husband

there are so many perfect people in this world but will you find the one that you have been looking for your whole life take this quiz to find out

you might find the one but while it end well it could be the man you have been looking for your life or it could crash and burn :( take this quiz to find out

Created by: lol
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have a crush on someone
  2. are you popular
  3. what do you do in your spare time
  4. do you want to get married
  5. have you ever broken up with someone
  6. are you in a relation ship
  7. do you ever think you will get married?
  8. do you say you are going to call someone but u dont
  9. do u have a job
  10. does anyone have a crush on you

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Quiz topic: Who will be my husband