Who To Choose Between 2 Guys You Love

believe it or not, but I was caught between two guys I liked. it took me a month to decide who to choose, and I don't want others wasting their precious time like the way I did. So, that is why I created this, so I can make a (probably good) choice for ya! :D

if you did not get the answer you hoped to get, then please accept my sincerest apologies. but remember that you are welcomed to take the test again anytime you want :D

Created by: Phoenix_Rose123
  1. Okay, first, pick who is Guy 1 and Guy 2
  2. Tell me, why do you like Guy 1?
  3. oh, alright. then tell me, why do you like Guy 2?
  4. if you had a boat that fit 2 people, and you were in the boat, alone. you suddenly find Guy 1 and Guy 2 drowning. the boat will sink if more than 2 people boarded the boat. who would you save?
  5. If you get in a fight with BOTH of these Guys, who do you think will get angry first?
  6. who do u see a future with?
  7. imagine Guy 1 is trying to kiss you, how would you feel?
  8. who do you WANT to end up with??
  9. what did u think about this quiz? (sorry for asking, I just want an opinion)
  10. okay, were done here, imma calculate ur answers

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