Who Said What? (Guess the quote: mcyt edition)

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Guess The Quote! Guess which Minecraft Youtuber on the Dream SMP said these quotes! Possible answer choices: Dream, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Ranboo, Technoblade, etc.

hjkmnjhbgvfdxc vbhnjkl, dmsnhidkoesihygbdsjklz,mc ndcjskaowiuehygbjkmn bvcxdser5t6y7u8iol;[poiuygtfvhbjnb vcxdrftgyhujkloikujhjnkm, nbvghujikuytrfdsxdfghjkl;./,mkjhu

Created by: imsoclueless
  1. Who said this: ``YOOOOOO! SUCK IT, GREEN BOYYYY!!``
  2. Who said this: ``BEES! Oh, I love bees~``
  3. Who said this: ``It was never meant to be.``
  4. Who said this: ``You're literally dogwater!``
  5. Who said this: ``Good news, I got you a woman; bad news, she's American.``
  6. Who said this: ``JACK MANIFOL? AH, JACK MANIFOL!!``
  7. Who said this: ``I'm not even real.``
  8. Who said this: ``What're you doing, step dream?``
  9. Who said this: ``WHERE ARE THE ASKERS, MY FRIENDS?``
  10. Who said this: ``Hey mamas~``
  11. Who said this: ``Language!``
  12. Who said this: ``There he is! There's my favorite white boy!``
  13. Who said this: ``Face ID, b--ch!!``
  14. Who said this: ``AY CARAMBA DONDE ESTA LA BIBLIOTECA!!``
  15. Who said this: ``I'm cracked at the Craft.``
  16. Who said this: ``Well, Techno's my friend.``
  17. Who said this: ``I'm just saying I'm not against kissing a guy. But I'm not straight, I definitely still love women!``

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