Tag: Who Said It?
- Pretty Little Liars: The quote quiz
- Jul 5, '12
- by Lottiexx
This quiz is a quote quiz! You will answer questions and try and guess Who said it? The quotes are from seasons 1-3 of Pretty…
- How Well Do You Know Spongebob Quotes?
- Mar 29, '12
- by CodySimpsonLuv
A lot of people say they are true Spongebob fans, but are they really? Take this quiz to see how well you know Spongebob and…
- Which actor said that?
- May 17, '14
- by Dark22978
There are tons of actors out in the world, and some have highly inspiring quotes. Some of these quotes make people laugh, some…
- Zelda quotes quiz
- Jul 9, '14
- by Bobaccountemps
Ahh, Zelda quotes, there really are a lot of them, and they can be very different, too, from Ganondorf's harsh taunts to…
- How well do you know MCU Quotes
- May 7, '20
- by Me
How well do you know random quotes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? This quiz will test your knowledge. Not all movies have…
- Who's that character (Naruto quotes)
- Jul 17, '15
- by Johan Rex
The ultimate quiz of Naruto quotation memory and recollection. A test to see whether or not you actually listen to what the…
- Who said it? Guess the Famous Quote!
- Jul 10, '17
- by thestralblade
"Life itself is a quotation." -Jorge Luis Borges. Quotes are a part of life, so let's see how many inspiring quotes YOU know!…
- How well do you know The Simpsons catchphrases?
- Sep 17, '14
- by chocolatefrog
This quiz is about The Simpsons characters' catchphrases, how many do you know, do you only know the most famous ones or are…
- Who said the quote? -->The Mortal Instruments series
- Aug 20, '14
- by Tmi fan girl
The mortal instruments is an awesome book series and the quotes that are said by the many different characters make the series…
- Who Said That? The Dear God Edition
- Mar 2, '11
- by grawitch
There are tons of interesting characters in the Bible. Most of them did something noteworthy or they wouldn't make an…
- Twilight Saga: Who said that? (short quotes)
- Apr 4, '09
- by Tar_Ancalime
Many people have read the Twilight Saga and many call themselves Twilight fans, but only SOME of them are true masters of the…
- Famous Movie Lines
- Feb 1, '07
- by David Johnson
This Quiz contains famous line in Hollywood Movies. And it doesn't use the Classic Stuff either. If you grew up in the 70's…
- Lord of the Rings: Who Said It?
- Mar 13, '11
- by Erin Elizabeth
Lord of the Rings is about a little hobbit given a HUGE job. If he doesn't do it right, people die! Nice, I know. Luckily, he…
- Quotes from 'The Matrix Reloaded' Part One
- Nov 13, '07
- by Cate
'The Matrix Reloaded' is the sequel to the film 'The Matrix'. It was produced by Warner Bros and stars Keanu Reeves, Laurence…
- How well do you know Star Vs The Forces Of Evil?
- Apr 16, '18
- by Mimzzz
Hello fans of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, this quiz will test your knowledge of the show and it's characters, you will be…
- Finish the quote (harry potter edition)
- Dec 9, '23
- by BiscuitBear37
Hello my fellow Harry Potter quiz-takers. Now I hope you have fun and enjoy the quiz and as Dumbledore once said "You will find…
- Do you know your Pirates of The Caribbean quotes?
- Jan 20, '10
- by IxXWolfieIXx
Ok, I love Pirates of The Caribbean! Lets see if you like it too! I have to say a lot of stuff here, that I don't really need…
- Transformers Animated: Who Said What?
- Jul 4, '11
- by musicalrose911
Transformers: Animated was filled with priceless dialogue. From cheesy one-liners to jokes to unique insults. This dialogue is…
- Who Said It: SpongeBob or Nietzsche?
- Aug 13, '13
- by HLMencken
SpongeBob Squarepants and Friedrich Nietzsche are known (to some degree at least) for their knack for aphorisms. On this quiz…
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