Who's TVD kid are?

This quiz is based on who's the vampire diaries love child you are! I really hope you like this quiz, i worked hard and i love making these quizzes! It features Jenny Miranda Salvatore,Elle Elizabeth Mikaelson and Sabrina Sheila St.John.

One Thing i did forget to put on Sabrina St.John's description was that she is a heretic(witch+vampire). Jenny's nickname is Little J,Elle's nickname is E, and Sabrina's nickname is Bree. Rate my quiz please and thank you. I love you all!

Created by: Eliza of Pll Next generation
(your link here more info)
  1. Who's your favorite character?
  2. Who's your favorite ship?
  3. Who's your favorite male character
  4. Favorite show?
  5. In the future and you were rich, what would you do?
  6. What's your favorite pet?
  7. What would you name your cat?
  8. Who do you want as your mother?
  9. who do you want as your father
  10. What song do you prefer?

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