Who's eye is it!

To access the photo needed to complete this quiz it is on my my space www my space.com/ camel_a (apparently it's gibberish put together) you WILL NEED this photo The pictures are numbered the way we read in Australia. NOT JAPAN please don't get confused

After you complete this quiz why not post your genius score as a bulletin.... that would be pretty cool, and then we can all PARTY Now i need to write something witty and not gibberish or excessive repeating characters.

Created by: Camela

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Eye 1
  2. Eye 2
  3. Eye 3
  4. Eye 4
  5. Eye 5
  6. Eye 6
  7. Eye 7
  8. Eye 8
  9. Eye 9
  10. Eye 10
  11. Eye 11
  12. Eye 12
  13. Eye 13
  14. Eye 14
  15. Eye 15
  16. Eye 16
  17. Eye 17
  18. Eye 18
  19. Eye 19
  20. Eye 20

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