Who loves you in warrior cats

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Sometimes you can easily think of a warrior you would like to mate. But it takes something more to find the right answer so all you have to do is click on this quiz and you can find out how is you mate

who do you think your mate is? it could be anyone, right? So thins is why the perfect way to do it is click on this quiz and you will get 100 out of 100 answer

Created by: Ruby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So, who do love?
  2. What is something that you want to do in life?
  3. What is your favourite fur colour?
  4. favourite (cat) eye colour
  5. What is your favourite type of prey?
  6. Did you go on the journey?
  7. Do you think thunderclan is the best?
  8. Favourite cat??
  9. What posiiton in the clan are you?
  10. What positon are you in NOW

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