Who is your wing's of fire dragon?

Now, I know everyone here read the thrilling wings of fire series! It is awsome!!! We all know that it is the best series ever. You may or may not like these character's I made!

Here are some (4) character's I made up, lets see if you like them!!! They are all related to the royal family of the tribe they are from. You Might be Bloom, Seal, Diamond or swamp.

  1. What is your favorite food.
  2. What is your favorite?
  3. Who is your favorite queen
  4. What is your favorite tribe
  5. What is your favorite heir
  6. Who do you like
  7. What would you do if you were a dragon
  8. Who do you like the most
  9. What is your favorite book
  10. Favorite legend

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Quiz topic: Who is my wing's of fire dragon?
