Who is your stranger things soulmate?

In this quiz you get to see who your stranger things soulmate i and what you relationship with them would be like. There will be 10 answers and you will find out if Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Robin, Steve, Nancy, or Jonathan is your soulmate.

There are 10 questions regarding your answer and your personality. If you enjoy this quiz please make sure toπŸ‘ and πŸ˜ƒ the quiz. My YouTube channel is RavenLilacHale.

Created by: Raven
  1. Who is your favorite character?
  2. Favorite color
  3. Zodiac Sign
  4. Birth Month
  5. Who can you relate to the most
  6. Favorite animal
  7. Who do you want to get
  8. Favorite monster
  9. Sexuality
  10. You name starts with

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Quiz topic: Who is my stranger things soulmate?
