Who is your soulmate from No name necessary?

Take this quiz if you want to find out who your soulmate from No name necessary is. You and your soulmate have a lot in commOn!HOPE YOU ENJOY TAKING THE QUIZ The quiz isn`t based on real information this is only for the sake of entertainment

No name necessary is a group of three girls based in Norway. Batseba, Hawrah and Amal upload poetry on youtube on the channel "no name necessary" and are also active on instagram. Their instagram is "unofficialnnn"HOPE YOU ENJOY TAKING THE QUIZ The quiz isn`t based on real information this is only for the sake of entertainment.

Created by: Quizesfornnn
  1. If someone tells you to jump off a cliff. Do you do it?
  2. You wake up one day and see a lion in front of you. What do you do?
  3. You are thirsty and get to choose one of these drinks. Which one do you choose?
  4. What is your ideal date?
  5. Your neighbours are playing music very loud. What do you do?
  6. Nicest color out of these?
  7. Which season do you prefer?
  8. Which one is the best chocolate?
  9. Why do fishes live in the water?
  10. Do you believe in ghosts

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Quiz topic: Who is my soulmate from No name necessary?

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