Who is your Riordanverse boyfriend?

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Thanks for taking my quiz! I hope you got who you wanted! Here is the Percy Jackson Jingle Bells since the holidays are coming! Thanks again and have a great day/night!(DISCLAIMER: No art is mine. The PJO Jingle bells isn't mine either.)

Sailing through the seaOn a homemade war machineGunna go kill some giantsHazel's turning greenMy relationship was fakeGot tossed into a lakeI'm quite convinced my whole life was just a big mistakeHEYJingle BellsHera SmellsI stole a BMVI got hit by a brickI'm gunna be sickWhy do the gods hate me?

Created by: AlexKane
  1. Favorite Color? (Sorry)
  2. Camp/Training place
  3. Mythology (Can be different from Camp)
  4. Weapon?
  5. Ideal Vacay spot
  6. Last question!
  7. SIKE
  8. Powers?
  9. After this, one more question, so see you later!
  10. Let fate decide

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Quiz topic: Who is my Riordanverse boyfriend?
